General Fitness

We believe if you build the individual from the ground up, you give them the tools to be successful for a lifetime. 

Our clients vary in age, size, experience level and goals – whether you want to learn a new skill like squatting, lose body fat, build muscle, or keep up with your kids; we want to help you build the habits that will get you there.

Every program is a template to lay out what you are going to need to do to reach your goal. We use that template to start the discussion on what it’s going to take for you to stay consistent in working towards that goal. And through that discussion we start to create the habits inside and outside the gym that will help you stay on the path of success.

– we offer movement assessment, remote coaching and personal training options.

Programs are based upon your goals – communication with Coach Ben is crucial in this process.

Make the decision you want to do better today –

Bluegrass Barbell

Bluegrass Barbell