
Bluegrass Barbell is a USA Weightlifting Club. The sport of weightlifting involves two movements, the snatch, and clean & jerk.

Whether you are a beginner or someone who has been lifting for a long time. Weightlifting is a great sport for any age or ability level. Even if you don’t have a desire to compete, weightlifting will challenge you mentally and physically. It requires you to be strong and flexible, determined and patient, and more importantly humble. Weightlifting is great because it requires you to be present, you have to listen to your body, and your coach each day. Respect where you are and the consistency it’s going to take inside and outside of the gym to reach where you want to be.

Our programs help to develop good training practices.  We focus on proper movement patterns, addressing weaknesses, as well as working on strengths. The program is a template to help give us a better understanding of the path to reach our goal.  Using that we rely on the interaction between the coach and athlete each day to make sure we are doing everything we can to achieve that goal safely and efficiently.

So whether you have to start from scratch or you just want to improve technique in just one lift. You owe it to yourself to start down the right path. The habits and systems we get in place now can help to bring a lifetime full of good outcomes.

Coach Ben offers movement assessment, remote coaching, and personal training. If you are interested email bluegrassbarbell@gmail.com

Bluegrass Barbell

Bluegrass Barbell